Master in Engineering Sciences, mention in Transport

Grado académico
Master in Engineering Sciences, mention in Transport
Área del conocimiento
Facultad o Instituto
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
N° de Decreto
ACREDITADO, a partir de octubre 2011 hasta octubre 2017, por la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación (CNA-Chile)
Prof. Alejandro Tirachini
E-mail :


Prof. Alejandro Tirachini
Blanco Encalada 2002, 5to piso, Santiago, Chile
+562 29784380


The transport related problems that our society faces today are quite diverse and complex. The real challenge is to analyze and solve an increasing number of issues in the fields of traffic engineering, transport economics, environmental studies and policy making in an intelligent and enthusiastic way.

The field of transport studies has evolved integrating multidisciplinary contributions coming from several fields including engineering with its analytical methods, geography, psychology, economics and urban planning. This variety of approaches, together with the direct incidence of transport in the quality of life of people, are two of the most important elements that make the study of transport such an attractive field of intellectual enquiry and research.

The aim of the Master in Engineering Sciences, mention in Transport is to train graduates that, through a program of basic and elective courses, plus a thesis project, reach a solid knowledge on the most important aspects of transport, with a frontier specialization in one or more fields (transport networks modeling, traffic flow theory and engineering, transport economics, demand modeling, land use and planning).

Graduates from this program are able to continue doing advanced research or to work immediately as specialists in the analysis of complex transport problems in both private and public organizations, including consultancy companies, transport and logistics service providers, infrastructure management firms and government departments.


Plan de estudio

Requisitos de Admisión

Students wishing to apply for Master programs offered by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile must have a bachelor or a professional degree in a similar area, granted by a national or international university certifying a solid background in the specific area of the Master program. The Academic Committee of the program will review each application taking into account all the required background.

Applicants have to submit all their educational records at the moment of applying. Some of them are:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Application Form
  • Transcript of records of the previous courses and their programs in case they come from other national or international universities.
  • Bachelor's or professional diploma
  • A letter of intention, and at least two letters of recommendation.