Master programs

Engineering Sciences, mention in Earthquake Engineering

Master in Engineering Sciences, mention in Earthquake Engineering

Grado académico
Master in Engineering Sciences, mention in Earthquake Engineering
Área del conocimiento
Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas
Facultad o Instituto
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
N° de Decreto
This program was accredited by National Committee on Accreditation
Prof. Fabián Rojas
300 UF (Programa Completo)


Mariela Mualin
Beaucheff 850, Santiago-Chile
+562 29784372


The Master program in Engineering Sciences, mention in Earthquake Engineering aims to train specialists of high analytical ability and strong basis in theoretical and applied aspects of Earthquake Engineering. The Program is oriented to prepare graduates for academic performance in academic positions at higher education levels, university teaching, and research as well as the performance in the professional field with advanced knowledge in the Earthquake Engineering field in relation to structures, soils, materials and seismology. The different topics included in the Program provide the multidisciplinary character required by engineering projects of great complexity exposed to seismic solicitations.


Requisitos de Admisión

Students wishing to apply for Master programs offered by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile must have a bachelor or a professional degree in a similar area, granted by a national or international university certifying a solid background in the specific area of the Master program. The Academic Committee of the program will review each application taking into account all the required background.

Applicants have to submit all their educational records at the moment of applying. Some of them are:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Application Form
  • Transcript of records of the previous courses and their programs in case they come from other national or international universities.
  • Bachelor's or professional diploma
  • A letter of intention, and at least one letter of recommendation.