Before I go
I'm supposed to get a last wish:
Generous reader
burn this book
It's not at all what 1 wanted to say
Though it was written in blood
It's not what I wanted to say.
No lot could be
sadder than mine
I was defeated by my own shadow:
My words took vengeance on me.
Forgive me, reader,
good reader
If I cannot leave you
With a warm embrace. I leave you
With a forced and sad smile.
Maybe that's all
I am
But listen to my last word:
I take back everything I`ve said.
With the greatest bitterness in the world
I take back everything I`ve said.
by Miller Williams
traducido por
Miller Williams
Antipoems: New and Selected (edited by David Unger), New York,
New Directions, 1985.